Mindy Kobrin

Posted in DWEH on June 2016

Posted in DWEH

New York Sun Works: Additional Curriculum on Nutrition and Cooking

The Science You Can Eat curriculum focuses on the benefits of nutrients found in our food supply and the lessons are built around a cooking activity. In addition, the curriculum showcases produce that benefit our health as well as its medicinal components.

The Science You Can Eat lessons are organized in 4 seasons with recipes focusing on crops grown by the students in their hydroponic science labs.

Science You Can Eat is a nutritional supplement to NY Sun Works’ Science Curriculum developed around a hands-on cooking lesson. Recipes have been provided by Mindy Kobrin who is the founder of cooking and entertaining website mealsonheelsbymindy.com. Mindy’s mission is twofold: to teach parents to feed their families with style, confidence, and fun, while spreading the message of good nutrition and wellness for children to carry into adulthood and pass on to the next generation.

Source: NY Sun Works